Collecting, gathering and storing messages rising

from ether.

And crafting a vessel fit to hold them.

Dear Reader,

A cooper, as the title reads, is a maker of vessels used for the preservation of precious materials. This important craft has been in practice all over the world since the days of antiquity. This practice need not only be material, but can and should also be practiced on a spiritual level.

A corral is defined as an enclosed space for gathered animals. Animals are of a special nature and, like the nature of thoughts, are difficult to understand fully. Every animal on this planet embodies a distinct archetype found within the human psyche. Animals and thoughts, nature and the mind, they are both necessary for our understanding of ourselves and the cosmos.

So you see, a “cooper’s corral”, as I have called this site, is a gathering of mental properties by one who crafts vessels to preserve precious material. This place is my corral for all of the handcrafted barrels preserving riches I recieve.

The messages here are stored for the betterment and joy of my own experience. I publish them here to give myself a cleaner storage system than the infinite notebooks, folders and files filled with chaotic thoughts and feelings. I hope that whoever finds this site can find comfort in the preserves of ideas precious to me.